Tuesday, 3 March 2015

March, Be Good To Me

'Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.' - Doug Larson.
'Spring is the time of plans and projects.' - Leo Tolstoy.
'It's 9 months till Christmas!' - Me.

How are we already in March?! What have I been doing for the last 2 months I ask, as I sit here knowing I'll be asking the same question in a couple of months time, still overspending, listening too loads of show tunes and debating whether a 12 box of krispy kremes are a good idea. CORRECTION - always a good idea.

I'm pretty excited for this month to commence, things are happening! I'm visiting Sheffield twice within the month to visit Sheffield University & Sheffield Hallam University, which means this month is decision making time. Sheffield is about 3 hours away from where I live in Essex so I've roped my beloved mother in to driving me one day (I can drive, I'm just scared of my own car) and catching a train the next time. It only dawned on me the other day that if I choose to go to Sheffield, 3 hours is a trek of a time away from Home, so I really will be moving out - insert Billy Joel's well good song, Movin' Out - but I'm excited to get to see the campuses and see what may possibly be in store.

Another big deal is one of my best friend's birthday. I'm travelling to Farnham (not as much as a trek as Sheffield) for his 22nd birthday and of course I'll over pack, and naturally I'll overspend and yes of course, I'll drink too much beer. They're not called Birthdays for no reason, right? I wanted to say what I got him for his birthday on here, but until he gets it, I'm not going to give it away - in case he's peeking. I've been to Farnham's a couple of times and I've now nicknamed it 'The Shire', mainly because I think it resembles the town in The Lord of The Rings. 

Finally we have Mother's day. I love my mum, like literally she's a babe. I'll be taking a couple of days off work this month, one of which I'll be taking her out for Afternoon Tea at the Hamyard Hotel in Soho. A post to follow soon!

I'm hoping this is going to be a good month and to get to speak to a lot of new bloggers and get improving on my blog!

Till Next Time,

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