Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Is It April Already?

I feel like a bit of a bad blogger. 

I've had major writers block over the Easter holiday and writing seemed like something I could just jump back into. Hm...not that easy. However, I'm still amazed that it's April already. I'm not quite sure where this year is going, but here we are.

Let's recap.

March was a great month. I managed to regain my social life and something life changing happened, something that would quickly make me lose my social life once more...the US version of Netflix. I suddenly considered the Gilmore Girls to be more important that sunlight...damn you Netflix.

Asides from obsessing over the two Lorelai's, here a couple of things I did:
  • Celebrated my best friend's birthday with him - I went to Farnham where we ate thai food and listened to vinyl and consumed alcohol - which is the responsible thing to do on birthdays.
  • Saw Blade Runner : The Final Cut - interesting movie, a lot of Harrison Ford facial expressions.
  • Started contributing to online magazines, including Kettle Magazine & Zusterschap Collective.
  • For a while I couldn't get into reading, usually I'm a massive bookhead, but I've just finished Paula Hawkins, The Girl On The Train (an amazing read, the next gone girl for sure) and have just started scoping over Amelia Freer's, Eat Nourish Glow.
  • Began learning how to cook other things - asides from chicken dippers and carrot cakes. I credit my best friend as an amazing cook, so I'm taking lessons from him - so far I cooked a carbonara and didn't kill my dad!
  • I have a 9 month old niece who I spend time with, my little Emily Rabbit, who has just begun crawling and has better eyebrows than me and I simply have to write about her because she is a total babe.

Another big positive was that I firmed up my university decision. As of September I'm off to Sheffield to study Journalism Studies. Nervous is an understatement, but extremely excited to be moving away from home for pastures new... though, life without a dishwasher seems challenging. 

I'm also excited to be writing a load more for online publications. I've been writing a lot of personal pieces, as well as culture. I think this is a great way to start getting a real feel for writing, and I get super excited when I see something has been published.

I'm hoping to be a lot more active this month on my blog, get involved with more bloggers and note to self - The Gilmore Girls can wait till you get home, sunlight is important Ellie.

Till Next Time,

1 comment

  1. Congratulations about getting accepted into your university! Hope you enjoy it. :) x


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