Thursday 12 February 2015

New Year, New Start...

I decided in 2014 to make a big change in my life so 2015 would be a great year. This change would be to attend university to study Journalism. I made this decision whilst sobbing over a bag of maltesers, contemplating where my life was going. So with a few wise words from my mother and a ton of prospectuses ordered, I have officially sent my UCAS application off.

In 2012 I was offered a unconditional from East Anglia university to studio Media production and at the time it seemed like the best thing in the world, but my head wasn't really in it and the world of work seemed more wrong I could of been. So with 2 years passed, I have to say writing a personal statement at 17 seemed like the easiest thing in the world - I was basically blagging and selling the skills I didn't have. Fast forward to 2015, writing a personal statement, still on no skills, is even worse. The more I re-read it the more I sounded like I was trying to get blood out of a stone. Luckily I managed to complete it in one day and sent it off the same evening, then I bought about 6 cupcakes and ate my emotions.

I have applied to

  • The University of Kent - Journalism & News Production
  • The University of Falmouth - Journalism & Creative Writing
  • The University of Sheffield - Journalism 
  • The University of Sheffield Hallam - Journalism Studies
  • The University of Brighton - Multimedia Broadcast Journalism 

They all sound pretty same-y but excited doesn't come close right now. I don't mean to wish the year away but I can't wait to see if I'm lucky enough to get any offers and then hopefully start in September.

University at the ripe old age of 21 seems daunting to me, but you never know these things till you try. I don't think of this as a scape goat or a fall back option, I just happen to have too much to say and want to learn how to write it all down properly.

Till next time,


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